Deodorant Tester Job salary $32/hour

Deodorant Tester Job salary $32/hour, What Does an Odor Tester Do,How to Become an Odor Tester,Deodorant Tester Job

Deodorant Tester Job salary $32/hour

What Does an Odor Tester Do:

As an odor tester, you conduct laboratory tests to adjust a product's chemical composition and enhance or alter its odor. Your responsibilities will depend on your job and industry. For example, with a company that makes frozen food, you use your nose (and science) to identify different smells and test how the product smells when cooked. Sometimes, you can use your sense of smell to identify different odors in something, such as B. In a perfume or room spray. Other tasks may include using chemical methods to identify scents, documenting your findings, and working with scientists and engineers to achieve desired results.

How to Become an Odor Tester:

The minimum qualifications to become an odor inspector include a bachelor's degree in chemistry. Some employers prefer applicants with relevant industry experience; for example, to become a scent tester for a fragrance company, employers prefer that you already have experience in the beauty industry. You should have good communication skills and the ability to distinguish between similar scents. Understanding how chemicals and odors react when someone mixes them is also beneficial. You use computers as part of your job, so foundational knowledge of computers is critical.

How much does an Odor Tester make?

As of Oct 21, 2022, the average annual pay for an Odor Tester in the United States is $67,349 a year. While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $125,000 and as low as $20,500, the majority of Odor Tester salaries currently range between $39,500 (25th percentile) to $96,500 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $113,000 annually across the United States. An Odor Tester in your area makes $67,475 per year or $126 (0%) more than the national average annual salary of $67,349. Find your next high-paying job as an Odor Tester on ZipRecruiter today.

What are the Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Odor Tester Jobs:

We've identified 10 cities where the typical salary for a smell tester is higher than the national average. At the top of the list is Atkinson, Nebraska, followed by Deer Park, California, and Johnstonville, California, in second and third place. Johnstonville, CA topped the national average by $13,054 (19.4%), while Atkinson, Nebraska supported the trend by $32,972 (49.0%) above the $67,349 average.

Since the average salary in these 10 cities is higher than the national average, the opportunities as a sniff tester to boost the economy through relocation seem plentiful.

Another factor to consider is that the average salary in these top 10 cities differs by as much as 27% between Atkinson, Nebraska, and Keystone, Colorado, suggesting that there is positive compensation in the role of smell inspector and Huge potential for the difference. When considering location and salary, the cost of living should also be considered.

City  Annual Salary    Monthly PayWeekly Pay    Hourly Wage
Atkinson, NE$100,321$8,360$1,929$48.23
Deer Park, CA$83,145$6,928$1,598$39.97
Johnstonville, CA$80,403$6,700$1,546$38.66
Green River, WY$80,310$6,692$1,544$38.61
Stamford, CT$78,391$6,532$1,507$37.69
Bellevue, WA$77,792$6,482$1,496$37.40
Brooklyn, NY$77,742$6,478$1,495$37.38
Belgrade, MT$77,294$6,441$1,486$37.16
New Haven, CT$76,027$6,335$1,462$36.55
Keystone, CO$75,888$6,324$1,459$36.48



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Deodorant Tester Job salary $32/hour
Deodorant Tester Job salary $32/hour, What Does an Odor Tester Do,How to Become an Odor Tester,Deodorant Tester Job
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