What is the real name of a dog?

  Dogs or domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiars or Canisfamiliaris depending on whether it is sufficiently different to represent its own spe...


What is the real name of a dog?

Dogs or domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiars or Canisfamiliaris depending on whether it is sufficiently different to represent its own species) are domesticated descendants of wolves and are characterized by an upturned tail. This dog is derived from an ancient, extinct wolf, and the modern gray wolf is a close relative of this dog. More than 15,000 years ago, before the development of agriculture, dogs were the first species domesticated by hunter-gatherers.

Because of their long-term relationship with humans, dogs have expanded to a large number of domesticated individuals and acquired the ability to thrive on starch-rich diets that other canines are not suitable for. For thousands of years, dogs have become uniquely adapted to human behavior, and the relationship between humans and dogs has always been a topic of frequent research.

For thousands of years, this dog has been selectively bred into various behaviors, sensory abilities and physical characteristics. Dog breeds vary greatly in shape, size, and color. They play many roles for humans, such as hunting, grazing, towing loads, protecting, assisting the police and the army, accompanying, treating, and helping the disabled. This kind of influence on human society earned them the nickname "man's best friend".

In 1758, the Swedish botanist and zoologist Karl Linnaeus published two word names for species (binomial nomenclature) in his Systema Naturae. Canis is Latin, meaning "dog". Under this genus, he lists domestic dogs, gray wolves, and golden jackals. He classifies domestic dogs as domestic dogs, and on the next page classifies gray wolves as lupus. Linnaeus believes that the dog is a different species from the wolf because of its upturned tail (cauda recurvata), which is not found in any other canine.

In 1999, a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) study showed that domestic dogs may have originated from gray wolves, while dingo and New Guinea singing dog breeds developed during a period when human communities were isolated from each other. In the third edition of "World Mammal Species" published in 2005, Mammologist W. Christopher Wozencraft listed the wolf Canis lupus as its wild subspecies and proposed two other subspecies, thus forming the evolution of domestic dogs. Zhi: Familiar, wild dog named by Linneaus in 1758 and named by Meyer in 1793. Wozencraft uses Hallstrom (New Guinea's singing dog) as another name (small synonym) for wild dogs. Wozencraft refers to mtDNA research as one of the guidelines that inform his decision. Mammologists have been arguing whether to include familiar wild dogs and wild dogs together in the "domestic dog" branch.

In 2019, a seminar hosted by the Canine Expert Group of the IUCN/Species Survival Committee considered dingoes and New Guinea singing dogs as wild canines, so they were not included in the IUCN Red List.

The Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event occurred 65 million years ago, ending the emergence of dinosaurs and the first carnivores. The name Carnivoran is given to members of the Order Carnivora. Carnivores have a common arrangement of teeth, called carnassials, in which the first lower molar and the last upper premolar have blade-like enamel crowns, which act like a pair of meat-cutting scissors. In the past 60 million years, this tooth arrangement has been adapted to carnivorous, crushing plants, or completely lost the physical functions of seals, sea lions, and walruses. Today, not all carnivores are carnivores, such as coyotes that eat insects.

The carnivore ancestors of dogs, dogs, and cats, began their own evolutionary paths after the extinction of the dinosaurs. The first members of the Canidae family appeared 40 million years ago, of which only the Canidae family has survived in the form of wolf-like and fox-like canids. In the canine family, the first members of the genus Canis appeared six million years ago. They are the ancestors of modern domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, and golden jackals.

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog



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What is the real name of a dog?
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